Find a job in eight weeks

In this blog, you can find all the information you need to become a more successful and efficient job hunter.


8 Steps to Find Hidden Jobs

A huge part of the job market is hidden and not advertised on job boards. Here are eight steps to...

8 Ways to Validate Your Skills

As a job seeker, you need to validate your skills. There are many different ways you can validate your skills. In...

Break Down Your Goals

I often meet with job hunters and talk about their goals. During these chats, I see that most people have...

empty meeting room with whiteboard behind back

Common Interview Questions Recruiters Always Ask

We met up with Marianne Nilsson from the recruitment firm Incluso who told us about the questions that she generally...

The 5 Essential Interview Questions

You are searching for a job and then all of a sudden, someone responds positively. They are interested in having...