4 Must Do Tests While Job Searching

When talking to job seekers, I meet people that tell me: “I want to find ANY job”. While I do think it is good that people are open to opportunity, this often lead to an efficient job search for people due to a lack of focus. To really effectively search for a job, you need to understand your unique skills. To do so, you can try the following four personality tests.

1. Understanding How You Best Learn New Will Help You in Your Job Search

Manpower Group is doing a yearly survey where they ask employers about how they recruited staff over the past year. This last survey, they found that 40 % of the employers have looked for some candidate they have not found due to the Talent Shortage. When Manpower asks, what did you do when you didn’t find someone, 53 % said they were doing additional training and development for their existing staff. This is up from around 1 in 5 the year before. It seems safe to assume that the ability to learn is getting increasingly important.

It is possible to measure the way in which you prefer to learn. The learnability quotient is doing exactly that. Manpower group says the learnability quotient reflects your desire and ability to grow and adapt to new circumstances and challenges throughout your work life” and you can find an assessment here.

Library filled with books and a stair chase.

2. Be Better At Answer this Classic Question in your Job Search

The creators of the learnability test also made another one called Hogan X. This test focus on the following things:

  • Your values – this is great because you can find organizations that have those same values.
  • Your bright side – how you work and behave when you are at your very best.
  • Your dark side – how you work and behave when you are at your worst

A classic question when doing interviews as a job seeker is – what are three strong and weak points about yourself? You can tell the recruiter that you have been taking these tests and what you think about the results.

You can tell the recruiter that you have been taking these tests and what you think about the results.

See the video below to understand how it works or click here to test it.

3. One Classic Tests Recruiters Use To Assess Job Seekers

While the first two tests are fairly new, this is a classic test called the Myers-Briggs Test. These are good to understand yourself and others. The idea is that every person has a combination of the following opposing characteristics:

  • Introversion (I) or Extraversion (E)
  • Intuition (N) or Sensing (S)
  • Thinking (T) or Feeling (F)
  • Judging (J) or Perceiving (P)

You can find the test here.

8 different cartoon people in a forest having a nice time around a campfire.

4. Find The Right Companies to Focus on in the Job Search Based on Your Personality

In relation to the other tests, Good.co is a bit different. It has personality test and also suggests suitable employers. I really like that this is connected to actual employers. When I did the test, I definitely found some companies I wouldn’t have imagined working for. Try it out here.

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